"Safeguarding Your Business Legacy: Secure Your Shares with a Buy-Sell Trust"

Business Buy & Sell Concerns

As a business owner, you want to ensure that your family will always enjoy the current lifestyle that you provide, even if you no longer be there for them.

You know a well-constructed plan is essential to protect the value of the business and provide cash for the family in the event there is a major disruption in the business due to a co-owner’s death, disability, retirement or serious major illness or any other event that jeopardizes the continuity of the business.

The Solution:
With our trust services, we can help to ensure a smooth transition of business interests with a pre-determined Business Buy-Sell Trust with your business partners.

A fair value can be agreed upon between you and your partners and the method of payment to buy over each other’s business interest can be prearranged.

A trust deed for sales proceeds will ensure that the needs of your loved ones are met, according to your wishes.

How a Business Buy-Sell Trust Can Helps You:

1. Preserving business continuity 

Your business can carry on without issue as the Business Buy-Sell Trust prevents inexperienced individuals from getting involved.

By providing a pre-determined process for selling the departing owner’s shares, the trust ensures that the remaining co-owners can acquire those shares promptly, maintaining stability and continuity in the business.

You are assured that Rockwills Trustee Berhad will carry out our Trustee duties according to your expressed wishes.

2. Fair Price and Efficient Share Transfer:
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By incorporating a pre-agreed price within the Buy-Sell Trust, you eliminate uncertainties and delays associated with negotiating the sale of shares or interests with the co-owner’s family.

This allows for a fair and efficient transfer of ownership, providing financial security for both parties.

3. Pre-agreed the funding arrangements by all parties.
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The Business Buy-Sell Trust include the mechanisms for funding the purchase of the departing owner’s shares or interest.

This can involve life insurance policies, instalment payments, or other financing arrangements.

4. Provides certainty and security to all stakeholders.
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The existence of a Business Buy-Sell Trust instils confidence and certainty among the co-owners, as well as their families and other stakeholders.

They can rely on the trust to guarantee a fair value for the sale of shares or interests, ensuring that their financial interests are protected and that the business can continue to operate smoothly.

5. You can decide when the business buy-sell takes effect. 

By entering Business Buy-Sell Trust, you can name yourself as the initial trustee and designate a Trustee Corporation as a successor trustee to take over your business shares if the event stated in the trust deed triggered. Before the event is triggered, you retain the ownership of the business shares.

The event in the Buy-Sell Agreement to trigger the business buy-sell such as:

  • Death
  • Bankruptcy
  • Incapacity
  • Divorce
  • Ill Health
  • Loss of Professional License
  • Retirement
  • Deadlock Between Co-owner

Protecting the interest of your beneficiaries and that of the co-owners

Rockwills Trustee Berhad is completely impartial and professional in carrying out Trustee duties, always safeguarding the interests of your beneficiaries and partners.

A Business Buy-Sell Trust is a very important part of comprehensive estate planning for business owners. It provides financial security for the departing owner and their family.

7. Avoids disputes and litigation.

Clear and pre-agreed valuation terms in the Business Buy-Sell Trust reduce the likelihood of disputes and legal battles among co-owners.

The trust minimise the potential for disagreements and the need from costly litigation to resolve valuation disputes.

Preventing Management Disputes:

The Buy-Sell Trust prevents potential disputes that may arise when unqualified heirs insist on being involved in the company’s management.

By establishing clear guidelines, the trust minimizes disruptions and ensures smooth business operations.

With Rockwills Trustee Berhad’s  Business Buy-Sell Trust, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business shares will be protected, business continuity will be ensured, and your family’s financial security will be maintained in the face of unexpected events.

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