"Customized will writing for parents with special children. We develop a plan to meet their specific needs and secure their future with our all-inclusive solution."

Special Need Trust Program

Objective: Planning ahead for the well-being of your special needs child can be challenging, especially when you are not around to provide care and support. It is crucial to ensure that your child’s needs are met even in your absence.

The Solution: Rockwills Trustee Berhad offers a specialized service called Special Needs Trust, providing a comprehensive solution for planning ahead and securing the future of your special needs child’s health, maintenance, and education.

How Special Needs Trust Helps You:

  1. Assured Caregiving: With a Special Needs Trust, you can designate a caregiver to ensure your child receives the necessary care if you become critically ill or permanently disabled. This provides peace of mind knowing that a trusted individual is responsible for your child’s well-being.

  2. Continuous Support: If your child requires constant medical attention or is suffering from a major illness, a Special Needs Trust ensures that there will be continuous nursing care in the comfort of your child’s home, even after your demise.

  3. Tailored Planning: By specifying your requirements in the trust deed, you can ensure that your child’s needs are met precisely as you desire. This includes provisions for medication, education, upbringing, and other necessary support.

  4. Financial Security: A Special Needs Trust safeguards the assets you have set aside for your child, ensuring they are well managed and protected from abuse by unscrupulous third parties. The trust ensures that the allocated funds are utilized appropriately for your child’s benefit.

How It Works: Creating a Special Needs Trust involves the following steps:

  1. Asset Identification: Identify the assets you wish to include in the Trust, such as insurance policies, cash, or properties. These assets will form the foundation of the Trust.

  2. Trust Terms: Determine how the benefits of the Trust will be provided to your child, including the duration of the Trust, asset management guidelines, utilization of income from the Trust, method of payment, and commencement of payment. These terms will be documented in a Trust Deed.

  3. Trust Establishment: Sign a Trust Deed with Rockwills Trustee Berhad, designating them as the trustee, and transfer the identified assets into the Trust.

  4. Utilization of Trust Fund: Upon the occurrence of an event, such as your demise, the Trust Fund will be utilized for the well-being of your child according to your specific instructions, ensuring that their needs are met.

By utilizing the Special Needs Trust service from Rockwills Trustee Berhad, you can plan ahead with confidence, knowing that your special needs child will be provided with the necessary care, support, and financial security even when you are no longer present.

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