Granting peace of mind to parents, knowing their adult children will be well taken care of.

Parents With Adult Children Concerns


Most parents find raising children to be one of the most meaningful and fulfilling experiences of their lives.

Anyway, death is inevitable part of life, and we will not always be there for our children.

But we can always take a step to leave a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire and impact them and future generations to come.

The Solution:

Rockwills provides specialized Will Writing Services to secure your family’s future, safeguard the interests of your adult children and a Will that reflects your wishes.

We also offer personalized trust structures, such as Declaration Trust and Living Trust for speedy distribution and better preserving assets to your children.

How The trust structures can help you:

  • Choose your beneficiary.

If you are passing without a Will, your assets will be distributed according to Malaysia Distribution Act 1958.In this situation, your assets will be shared among your spouse and all your children. This may not be your intention for assets distribution.

By having a valid Will in place, you can allocate your assets among your family members as you see fit, outlining the percentage or specific items you wish to leave to each beneficiary.

  • Choose Your Executor

The executor is the person who will be responsible for administering your estate and carrying out the instructions outlined in your Will.

Choosing a responsible and impartial executor can help ensure that the distribution of your assets is handled fairly and in accordance with your wishes, minimising the potential for family disputes.

  • Prevent Family Members Dispute Over Your Assets.

You have clearly stated in the Will, who should inherit your assets, including personal belongings, property, investments, and any other possessions upon your passing, it helps prevent disputes among family members.

You can name specific individuals or organizations as beneficiaries of your assets. This provides a clear indication of your wishes and helps to avoid conflicts or any intentional manipulation.

You can include a personalized message in your Will explaining why you have chosen certain beneficiaries to receive your assets, this helps provide clarity and insight into your decision, and potentially minimize disputes among family members.

  • Tailored trust structure to cater for your concerns.

I recognize that parents with adult children have specific concerns, such as fair distribution of assets among the children, protection against possible children divorce in their marriage, children fall into bankruptcy, children migrate to overseas country, some children are doing good financially while some are in financial struggling, spendthrift child, gambling addiction, etc.

I will work closely with you to address these concerns, incorporating suitable provision into your Will.

  • Continuity and Legacy

Your Will is an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy for your adult children. The Will & trust structure are designed to protect and preserve your family’s wealth for future generations, ensuring its longevity and safeguarding against potential risks or disputes.

  • Incapacity Planning

Estate Planning involves more than just distributing assets after death. It also includes planning for potential incapacitation.

By setting up a Long-Term Care Trust, you can name yourself as the initial trustee and appoint Rockwills Trustee Bhd as a successor trustee to take over your assets in the event of your incapacity. The successor Trustee can then manage your assets according to the instructions you’ve provided in the trust documents.

This enables you to ensure that your finances and property are handled according to your instructions, you and your spouse wishes regarding medical treatment, finances, and overall care are respected and followed.

  • Minimize the estate leakages and maximize the net estate for your children.

The tailored trust structure is designed to minimize the potential leakages along estate inheritance process with the objective of maximize the legacy to your children.

As a trustee company, we have the experience, expertise and impartiality that will make the estate distribution a smooth process for your loved one.

Get in touch with us

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