Taking responsible measures to plan for the future of your minor children

Parent wih Minor Children Concerns

As parents, you are aware life is full of uncertainty, both parents cannot guarantee you can always be there for your kids until they reach adulthood.

Nevertheless, parents can still take steps to ensure that the kids are protected and provided for in the event of parents strike to unexpected death or incapacitated.

The Solution:
Rockwills provides specialized Will Writing Services to ensure financial stability and security for your minor children.

We also offer various trust structures, such as Family Trust for speedy distribution and better preserving assets to your minor children. It also ensures liquidity and emergency funding immediately available for your children’s day-to-day expenses if both parents passing or become incapacitated.

How The Family Trust Can Helps You:

  • Financial Security for Minor Children

The Family Trust will hold and manage your assets, providing stable and continuous liquidity for your minor children’s essential day-to-day expenses, such as food, clothing, housing, and extracurricular activities.

  • Provide Education Funding for Minor Children

You can allocate the assets specifically for your children’s education to the Family Trust. This can pay for education expenses including tuition fees, books, supplies, school transportation fees, other curriculum fees, enhancement education fees, etc. This ensures that your children have the necessary resources to pursue their academic goals.

  • Provide Medical Care for Minor Children

The Family Trust can also address your children’s healthcare needs. It can provide for medical insurance coverage, emergency medical expenses and other healthcare-related costs.

  • Guardianship of Minor Children

You can appoint a trusted individual or individuals who will assume the responsibility of caring for your children if both parents pass away or become incapacitated. This decision is of utmost importance as it directly impacts on your children’s well-being and future.

  • Provide Immediate Liquidity Resources for Minor Children

The Family Trust is designed to avoid probate so to ensure immediate liquidity is available for minor children’s day-to-day expenses if both parents pass away.

  • Personalized Approach

I understand every parent has specific concerns and goals. I will listen to your needs and gain a thorough understanding of your situation. This will enable me to create a Will that is tailored precisely to your requirements and addresses your unique circumstances.

As a trustee company, we have the experience, expertise and impartiality that will make the estate distribution a smooth process for your loved one.

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